
Review various spatial data platforms and specific cultural resource geographic information system (GIS) data sources for use in ArcGIS 10.x software. Explore the basic GIS data sources and data sources focusing on cultural resource examples. Learn to search for GIS data in national or local portals and how to apply them for cultural resource management purposes.


  • New GIS tools can assist in many cultural resource applications
  • Accessing GIS data portals
  • Acquiring GIS data for use in your project
  • Cultural resource GIS data sources
  • National cultural resource GIS data
  • Important general data sources
  • The Federal Geographic Data Committee
  • Authoritative data sources
  • Overview of the other modules in the ArcGIS for Cultural Resources: Advanced Techniques series

Training Curriculum

30-minute, on-demand eLearning

  • 1

    Welcome Letter

    • NPI Welcome Letter

  • 2


    • GIS Data Sources: Part 1

    • GIS Data Sources: Part 2

    • GIS Data Sources: Part 3

    • GIS Data Sources: Part 4

  • 3

    Download Course Slides

    • GIS Data Sources (slide deck)

  • 4

    Download Video Transcript

    • GIS Data Sources (transcript)

  • 5

    Course Evaluation

    • NPI Evaluation



Deidre McCarthy, GISP

Deidre McCarthy, GISP, chief, Cultural Resources Geographic Information Systems (CRGIS) Facility, National Park Service; facilitates the use of GIS to manage the location, status, and condition of cultural resources.
Full Bio/CV


This training is suitable for

  • Archaeologists; architectural historians; planners; preservation architects and landscape architects;

  • Community leaders; contractors, consultants, and project managers; cultural and natural resource managers responsible for compliance requirements;

  • Facility managers of historic properties; national, statewide, and local preservation and land management organization members and staff

Immediate Access

Customized Training

NPI also offers eLearning and webinar modules as customized training to meet specific organizational needs. They can be tailored to create training at a time convenient to the sponsor. Contact NPI at 703.765.0100 or [email protected] for further information.